Former Cottage Grove Police Officer settles sex discrimination claim for $100,000

Officer Iboa Pierce was hired by the Cottage Grove Police Department as a patrol officer in April 2021. She was one of only two female officers in the Department, and the only female trainee. Almost immediately, Officer Iboa Pierce began experiencing differential, sex-based treatment. She was denied the standard swearing-in ceremony at City Hall. She was repeatedly scrutinized and criticized for the “fit” of her uniform because, she was told, it made her look “too feminine.” She was shuffled from one training officer to another, which made it difficult for progress in training. These were just a few of the ways in which Officer Iboa Pierce was treated differently and denied the opportunities afforded to her male colleagues. She was then fired for “not cutting it” as an officer, despite the fact that she was equal in aptitude and potential to other trainees. Officer Iboa Pierce filed a tort claims notice with the Cottage Grove Police Department informing it of her intent to sue for damages. She has now settled her case. See the Chronicle article for more information. We are proud to have been able to work with Ms. Iboa Pierce in her fight for justice.


If you believe that your employer is discriminated against you based on sex, we may be able to help. Please contact us.