Some workplace dangers are extremely specialized and only threaten workers in a certain field. Others are more general and can threaten workers no matter where they are.
Repetitive stress injuries fall in the latter category. Workers everywhere can experience them. One of the potential repercussions you face as a result is carpal tunnel syndrome. But what is it and how does it affect you? Most important, is there anything you can do about it?
Repetitive stress injuries at work
Mayo Clinic examines carpal tunnel syndrome and its impact. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a form of repetitive stress injury. It primarily affects the wrist, but you can also get carpal tunnel in other joints or in your hand.
CTS occurs when you repeatedly move your hand in the same way over and over. Victims often work as bartenders, cashiers, as receptionists or on assembly lines. CTS swells the soft tissue in the wrist. This creates pressure that pinches your nerves.
Pinched nerves create unpleasant physical sensation like tingling, numbness and shooting pain. Over time, if left untreated, the symptoms of CTS worsen. It often gets to the point where the pain is too great and you cannot work effectively.
Treating carpal tunnel syndrome
The only treatment for CTS is rest. This is a big issue for workers, who often cannot take weeks off work without risking pay loss. This is also why many people in your position seek financial compensation, as it helps cover the gap of missing wages while you seek medical attention. Putting rest off may worsen the injury until you require surgery to fix it, which only results in longer heal times.